LuisxOlavarria's avatar


Luis Olavarria
302 Watchers
Been a while since I wrote one of this, first I have 57,298  page views, when did that happen?

Second I recently had an idea for a character, for which I also had an idea for a small web-comic that I'll post here of course.

So stay tuned or something, I suck at this whole writing feelings I know.
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Love | Amor

2 min read
1.- El amor solo los hara ser infelices
2.- En el amor y en la guerra vale todo como los celos, el egoismo o la manipulacion.
3.El amor es sufrimiento, quien te quiere te hara sufrir.
4.-El amor solo da felicidad es al igual a un mito.
5.-No le debes nada a tu pareja porque este enamorado de ti.
6.-El amor es practicamente imposible encontrar.
7.- El principe o princesa azul no existe, si existe no sera perfecto y que tendra sus defectos.
8.- No hay solo una persona ideal para cada uno.
9.- El amor requiere seguir manteniendo tus gustos, tu espacio y tus amistades y contactos del Facebook.
10.- Amor y enamoramiento acaban por desaparecer.

1. Love will only make you unhappy
2. In love and war anything goes like jealousy , selfishness and or manipulation .
3.The love is suffering, anyone who loves you will make you suffer .
4. Love gives only happiness is just a myth.
5. You don't owe anything to your partner because they are in love with you .
6. Love is virtually impossible to find .
7. Prince charming or princess charming don't exist, and if there's someone that tolerates you they will not be perfect and have their flaws.
8. There is not only one perfect person for everyone .
9. Love requires still maintaining your tastes, your space and your Facebook friends and contacts.
10. Love and infatuation eventually disappear.
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  1. How long have you been on DeviantArt? 7 years

  2. What does your username mean? Is my middle name a X instead of a dot or a space like in hunterxhunter and my last name

  3. Describe yourself in three words. Sarcastic, sarcastic and sarcastic.

  4. Are you left or right handed? Right handed

  5. What was your first deviation? An aztec god part of a tesis link here:…

  6. What is your favourite type of art to create? Illustration

  7. If you could instantly master a different art style, what would it be? Manga

  8. What was your first favourite? I have no idea, probably something nude.

  9. What type of art do you tend to favourite the most? Whatever comes to mind.

  10. Who is your all-time favourite deviant artist? hybridgothica

  11. If you could meet anyone on DeviantArt in person, who would it be? Anyone paying the drinks

  12. How has a fellow deviant impacted your life? Letting me know I not the only freak out there in the cold.

  13. What are your preferred tools to create art? Paper, pen and Illustrator

  14. What is the most inspirational place for you to create art? Subway on my way to some place

  15. What is your favourite DeviantArt memory? Getting my first fav.

  16. #DeviantArtistQuestionnaire

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Cuando parezca que has matado al monstruo, nunca te acerques a ver si realmente está muerto.

Si descubres que tu casa fue construida sobre un antiguo cementerio indio, o alguna vez fue escenario de misas negras, o los anteriores ocupantes estaban locos o fueron asesinados o se suicidaron o practicaban ritos satánicos… ¡múdate cuanto antes!

Nunca leas una invocación demoníaca en voz alta, incluso como una broma.

Nunca bajes a investigar al sótano, sobre todo si se ha cortado la luz.

Como regla general, nunca resuelvas acertijos que abran las puertas del Infierno.

Nunca te pares en, sobre, debajo, detrás o cerca de ninguna tumba, cripta, mausoleo o cualquier otra morada de los muertos.

Si buscas la causa de un sonido extraño y parece que es solo el gato, huye inmediatamente si aprecias tu vida.

Si los electrodomésticos y luces comienzan a funcionar solos, múdate de inmediato.

No tomes nada de los muertos.

Si llegas a una ciudad que parece desierta, abandónala de inmediato.

No juegues con el ADN, a menos que sepas lo que haces.

Si estás huyendo de un monstruo, prepárate para tropezar y caer al menos dos veces, sobre todo si eres mujer. También ten en cuenta que se moverá lo suficientemente rápido como para atraparte, pese a que tú estás corriendo y él arrastrando los pies.

Si tus acompañantes comienzan de repente a manifestar fenómenos extraños –tales como sisear, fascinarse con la sangre, ojos luminosos, pilosidad creciente- aléjate lo más rápido y lejos posible.

Aléjate de lugares como Amityville, Elm Street, Transilvania, Nilbog (si reconoces este estás en problemas), el triángulo de las Bermudas o cualquier pequeña ciudad del estado de Maine (Estados Unidos)

Si te quedas sin gasolina en el medio de la noche, no vayas a pedir un teléfono a la primer casa de aspecto abandonado que se te cruce por el camino.

Ten cuidado con cualquier extraño que veas empuñando: sierras eléctricas, grapadoras, cuchillos eléctricos, sierras, cortadoras de césped, soldadoras, lanzallamas, podadoras, cosechadoras y similares.

Si alguien te regala una videocinta y luego muere dentro de los siete días con el rostro desfigurado, destrúyela de inmediato sin mirarla.
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6 min read
Tagged by :iconxultimatetroublex:


1 - You must post these rules (VERY Important )
2 - Each person must post 10 things about themselves on their journal.
3 - Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create ten new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4 - You have to choose 10 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5 - Go to their pages and tell them you have tagged her/him.
6 - No tag backs
7 - No crap in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you're reading this." You legitimately (AKA, really, truly with all honesty) have to tag 10 people.

10 things about me..

1. People say I'm cold, sarcastic and insensitive. Wait... that's me not other people, since I'm also antisocial and have no people around me to talk about me.
2. I live to draw.
3. I play video games religiously.
4. I need a job. Seriously, I got one now but I'm always open to new better paid things.
5. I always tell the truth, since lying hurts people on the long run and telling them the truth hurts them right away and you get to see the look on their faces.
6. I've been recently diagnosed with Alexithymia….
7. I'm terrible at math.
8. I ignore people, no reason I just do.
9. I don't care about global warming, dolphins, whales, rain forest, ozone layer, mayan predictions about the end of the world; since ever since I have memory people has been promising me the end of the world and haven't delivered.
10. I have never been drunk, stoned or even smoked a cigaret.

My Answers:

1. What was your first impression of me, and am I still the same?
That you're cool and friendly, and so far you seem to be the same.

2. If you could be born in any time period in history, what would that period be and why?
The dawn of men, and basically to change a couple of key moments in our evolution.

3. Family or Friends?
Why? Okay, friends since they're easier to replace.

4. If you could go back out with any one of your ex's, who would it be and why?
I have no ex's

5. If you could speak any other language other than your mother tongue, what would you want?

6. When you sleep, what do you dream, or don't you?
I don't dream since at age 4 I hit really hard my head and haven't dreamt ever since.

7. Smoking (anything from tobacco to weed) or Alcohol?

8. What is you main pet hate? (Can be about anything) And why?
I'm allergic to both fur feathers and that makes it hard to have pets

9. Is there something you would want more than anything out of life?

10. How're you? :3

My questions:
1. What was your first memory?
2. If you could be born with all the knowledge you currently have. What would you do to improve your life?
3. Heaven or Hell?
4. Who would you ratter be other than yourself?
5. If you had nothing to lose, what risks would you take?
6. When did you started to settle for this life?
7. Any idea why people like Justin Bieber?
8. What is your main fear?
9. If something you really truly wanted more than anything was granted to you. What would you do after?
10. How do you see life?

I tag:

:iconsabrinadav: :iconaboutaghost: :iconmynameissnow96: :iconsoypants: :iconnightshade43: :icondanazuster: :iconmelivillosa: :icongatahada: :iconbyokinuchan: :iconmidnightcity217:

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New Comic project by LuisxOlavarria, journal

Love | Amor by LuisxOlavarria, journal

DeviantArtist Questionnaire #DeviantArtistQuestion by LuisxOlavarria, journal

Consejos en situaciones tipo pelicula de horror by LuisxOlavarria, journal

Tagged by LuisxOlavarria, journal